##################### # Vim-only options: # ##################### language_detection_method: VimOptionMap:LanguageDetectionMethods Type:list Default:Extension Help:Specify methods to use for determining language for the file when reading highlight definitions. filetype_language_overrides: VimOptionMap:FileTypeLanguageOverrides Type:dict Default:{} Help:Match file types to languages manually (if FileType language detection method is enabled). extension_language_overrides: VimOptionMap:ExtensionLanguageOverrides Type:dict Default:{} Help:Match extensions to languages manually (if Extension language detection method is enabled). syntax_language_overrides: VimOptionMap:SyntaxLanguageOverrides Type:dict Default:{} Help:Match syntaxes to languages manually (if Syntax language detection method is enabled). disable_type_parsing: VimOptionMap:DisableTypeParsing Type:bool Default:False Help:Do not read types when opening a file parsing_skip_list: VimOptionMap:ParsingSkipList Type:list Default:[] Help:List of files for which the type reading should be disabled def_dir_mode_priority: VimOptionMap:DefaultDirModePriority Type:list Default:[] Help:List of methods (in order) to use when searching for tags/types etc Note:Default is overridden in TagHighlight#Option#GetOption() max_dir_search_levels: VimOptionMap:MaxDirSearchLevels Type:int Default:0 Help:How far up to search in UpFromFile or UpFromCurrent mode config_file_name: VimOptionMap:ProjectConfigFileName Type:string Default:taghl_config.txt Help:File name for project specific configuration items tag_dir_mode_priority: VimOptionMap:TagFileDirModePriority Type:list Default:Default Help:Optional override for dir mode priority for tag files specifically types_dir_mode_priority: VimOptionMap:TypesFileDirModePriority Type:list Default:Default Help:Optional override for dir mode priority for types files specifically config_dir_mode_priority: VimOptionMap:ProjectConfigFileDirModePriority Type:list Default:Default Help:Optional override for dir mode priority for project config files specifically tag_file_directory: VimOptionMap:TagFileDirectory Type:string Default:None Help:Explicitly specified location for tag file (corresponding to Explicit search mode) disable_tag_manager: VimOptionMap:DisableTagManager Type:bool Default:False Help:Disable automatic management of tags option types_file_directory: VimOptionMap:TypesFileDirectory Type:string Default:None Help:Explicitly specified location for types file (corresponding to Explicit search mode) config_file_directory: VimOptionMap:ProjectConfigFileDirectory Type:string Default:None Help:Explicitly specified location for project config file (corresponding to Explicit search mode) default_dir_mode_search_wildcards: VimOptionMap:DefaultDirModeSearchWildcards Type:list Default:OPT(TagFileName),OPT(ProjectConfigFileName) Help:When searching directories, wildcards to match against (if any matches, we'll use this directory) config_dir_mode_search_wildcards: VimOptionMap:ProjectConfigFileSearchWildcards Type:list Default:Default Help:When searching directories for project config files, wildcards to match against (if any matches, we'll use this directory) tag_dir_mode_search_wildcards: VimOptionMap:TagFileSearchWildcards Type:list Default:Default Help:When searching directories for tag files, wildcards to match against (if any matches, we'll use this directory) types_dir_mode_search_wildcards: VimOptionMap:TypesFileSearchWildcards Type:list Default:Default Help:When searching directories for types files, wildcards to match against (if any matches, we'll use this directory) ctags_executable: VimOptionMap:CtagsExecutable Type:string Default:None Help:Name of the ctags executable, or full path to it forced_python_variant: VimOptionMap:ForcedPythonVariant Type:string Default:None Help:Force the use of a specific variant (see help for PythonVariantPriority) python_variant_priority: VimOptionMap:PythonVariantPriority Type:list Default:if_pyth3,if_pyth,python,compiled Help:Search order for deciding which variant to use path_to_python: VimOptionMap:PathToPython Type:string Default:None Help:Location of the python executable or None to search the path pre_read_hooks: VimOptionMap:PreReadHooks Type:list Default:[] Help:List of function names to run before reading types. post_read_hooks: VimOptionMap:PostReadHooks Type:list Default:[] Help:List of function names to run after reading types. pre_update_hooks: VimOptionMap:PreUpdateHooks Type:list Default:[] Help:List of function names to run before updating types. post_update_hooks: VimOptionMap:PostUpdateHooks Type:list Default:[] Help:List of function names to run after updating types. hooks: VimOptionMap:Hooks Type:dict Default:{'PreUpdate': [], 'PostUpdate': [], 'PreRead': [], 'PostRead': []} Help:Hooks dictionary (each entry is a list of strings containing functions to call; read functions take current file name and types suffix as parameters). forced_standard_libraries: VimOptionMap:ForcedStandardLibraries Type:list Default:[] Help:List of standard libraries which we should load regardless of whether the matchers match (as long as suffix is correct). disable_standard_libraries: VimOptionMap:DisableStandardLibraries Type:bool Default:False Help:Don't try to load standard libraries. user_libraries: VimOptionMap:UserLibraries Type:list Default:[] Help:List of user libraries to load (either relative to UserLibraryDir or absolute). user_library_dir: VimOptionMap:UserLibraryDir Type:string Default:. Help:Location of user libraries that are specified with relative paths. use_existing_tagfile_if_present: VimOptionMap:DoNotGenerateTagsIfPresent Type:bool Default:False Help:Do not generate tags if a tag file already exists. only_generate_types_if_present: VimOptionMap:OnlyGenerateTypesIfPresent Type:bool Default:False Help:Only generate tags/types if a types file already exists. ########################## # Python script options: # ########################## debug_level: CommandLineSwitches:--debug VimOptionMap:DebugLevel Type:string Default:Error Help:Debug level for printing (how much debug output to produce) debug_file: CommandLineSwitches:--debug-file VimOptionMap:DebugFile Type:string Default:None Help:Debug log file into which messages should be stored debug_print_time: CommandLineSwitches:--print-time-with-debug VimOptionMap:DebugPrintTime Type:bool Default:False Help:Print the time with each debug message in the log source_root: CommandLineSwitches:-d,--source-root VimOptionMap:SourceDir Type:string Default:None Help:Location of source files to scan recurse: CommandLineSwitches:--no-recurse VimOptionMap:Recurse Type:bool Default:True Help:Recurse into subdirectories ctags_file: CommandLineSwitches:--ctags-file VimOptionMap:TagFileName Type:string Default:tags Help:CTAGS output filename ctags_file_dir: CommandLineSwitches:--ctags-file-dir VimOptionMap:CtagsFileLocation Type:string Default:. Help:Location in which to store or find CTAGS output file types_file_name_override: CommandLineSwitches:--types-file-name-override VimOptionMap:TypesFileNameForce Type:string Default:None Help:Force types filename to be a specific string (as opposed to prefix + _ + suffix + . + extension). types_file_prefix: CommandLineSwitches:--types-file-prefix VimOptionMap:TypesFilePrefix Type:string Default:types Help:Vim Types file prefix types_file_extension: CommandLineSwitches:--types-file-extension VimOptionMap:TypesFileExtension Type:string Default:taghl Help:Extension for types file (by default 'taghl', which with default prefix gives types_c.taghl for C files). skip_patterns: CommandLineSwitches:--add-skip-pattern VimOptionMap:SkipPatterns Type:list Default:[] Help:List of (Python) regular expressions to match against keywords which should be excluded from the types file. skip_reserved_keywords: CommandLineSwitches:--skip-reserved-keywords VimOptionMap:SkipReservedKeywords Type:bool Default:True Help:Don't highlight keywords that are reserved in a given language. ctags_exe_full: CommandLineSwitches:--ctags-exe-full-path VimOptionMap:CtagsExeFull Type:string Default:ctags Help:CTAGS Executable Directory ctags_arguments: CommandLineSwitches:--add-ctags-argument VimOptionMap:CtagsArguments Type:list Default:[] Help:Explicit list of arguments to pass to ctags (for use with non-recognised ctags implementations). ctags_extra_arguments: CommandLineSwitches:--add-extra-ctags-argument VimOptionMap:CtagsExtraArguments Type:list Default:[] Help:List of extra arguments to pass to ctags. ctags_variant: CommandLineSwitches:--ctags-variant VimOptionMap:CtagsVariant Type:string Default:exuberant Help:Tells TagHighlight which variant of ctags is being used: some have different requirements for their arguments. include_docs: CommandLineSwitches:--include-docs Type:bool Default:False Help:Include docs or Documentation directory (stripped by default for speed) check_keywords: CommandLineSwitches:--do-not-check-keywords Type:bool Default:True Help:Do not check validity of keywords (for speed) include_matches: CommandLineSwitches:--include-invalid-keywords-as-matches VimOptionMap:IncludeSynMatches Type:bool Default:False Help:Include invalid keywords as regular expression matches (may slow it loading) skip_vimkeywords: CommandLineSwitches:--exclude-vim-keywords VimOptionMap:SkipVimKeywords Type:bool Default:False Help:Don't include Vim keywords (they have to be matched with regular expression matches, which is slower) parse_constants: CommandLineSwitches:--do-not-analyse-constants Type:bool Default:True Help:Do not treat constants as separate entries languages: CommandLineSwitches:--include-language VimOptionMap:Languages Type:list Default:[] Help:Only include specified languages types_file_location: CommandLineSwitches:--types-file-location VimOptionMap:TypesFileLocation Type:string Default:. Help:Specify the location for the generated types files include_locals: CommandLineSwitches:--include-locals VimOptionMap:IncludeLocals Type:bool Default:False Help:Include local variables in the database use_existing_tagfile: CommandLineSwitches:--use-existing-tagfile VimOptionMap:DoNotGenerateTags Type:bool Default:False Help:Do not generate tags: use an existing file print_py_version: CommandLineSwitches:--pyversion Type:bool Default:False Help:Just print the version of python print_config: CommandLineSwitches:--print-config Type:bool Default:False Help:Parse the various options and then print the configuration and exit (for debugging) # vim: ff=unix:noet