# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
-from PyQt4 import QtGui
+from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
from PyQt4.QtCore import SIGNAL
+from qmenutooltip import QMenuToolTip
from apperror import AppError
from settings import appconf
self.quitAction = QtGui.QAction("&Quit", self,
+ #profile manager component
+ self.addProfile = QtGui.QAction(" Add &Profile ", self,
+ triggered=self.addProfile)
def createTrayIcon(self):
""" Builds a new tray icon with a context menu and an action for the profile manager menu """
action to add a new One """
if reason in (QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.Trigger, QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick):
- self.menuProfiles = QtGui.QMenu()
+ self.menuProfiles = QMenuToolTip()
+ QtCore.QCoreApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, False)
#Get profiles from the ProfHandler embedded in the gui
profiles = self.profileManager.getProfilesList()
- for pr in profiles:
- pr = os.path.basename(pr)
+ for prpath in profiles:
+ pr = self.profileManager.getBaseProfileName(prpath)
+ receiver = self.activateProfileAction(prpath)
menuItem_Profile = self.menuProfiles.addAction(pr)
+ if self.profileManager.isCurrentProfile(prpath):
+ menuItem_Profile.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(appconf.cpicon))
#Using lambda function to pass additional arguments to the function, in this case the path of the profile
- receiver = lambda pr=pr: self.profileManager.activateProfile(pr)
self.connect(menuItem_Profile, SIGNAL('triggered()'), receiver)
+ #set menu item ToolTip
+ menuItem_Profile.setToolTip("Activate profile: "+pr)
- #menuItem_Profile = self.menuProfiles.addAction("")
- #self.menuProfiles.addAction(menuItem_Profile)
- menuItem_Profile = QtGui.QAction(" Add &Profile ", self,
- triggered=self.addProfile, icon=QtGui.QIcon(appconf.icon))
- self.menuProfiles.addAction(menuItem_Profile)
+ #action and menu item for adding a New Profile
+ self.menuProfiles.addAction(self.addProfile)
+ def activateProfileAction(self, pr):
+ """ Returns a callable to be passed as an action for the switching profile mechanism
+ to self.connect(menuItem_Profile...
+ It compiles a function with a profile name as argument and also handle the displaying of errors."""
+ def f():
+ try:
+ self.profileManager.activateProfile(pr)
+ except AppError, e:
+ self.showError(str(e))
+ return f
def addProfile(self):
""" Gui frontend to add a new Profile, it requests the user a profile name
through a QInputDialog and creates a new profile with the help of the ProfHandler embedded in the Gui """